----- ............Cemetery Walk: An afternoon of discovery! Every stone has a story. And they are waiting to be told........... -----

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Spring Plans and Photos

It snowed here. 19 inches later I am anxious to get outside.

I pulled out my local county map to check on the cemeteries I need to photograph. It is my hope to photograph every cemetery, meaning all headstones, in the county I live in here in south central Kansas. So far 34 are completely done and the remaining ones have been partially photographed. 2 of them will prove to be a challege since they are the memorial park type cemetery where majority of the markers are flat. These are the newer of cemeteries and fairly large. We'll see.

Those complete photos along with many others from my cemetery walks are also being uploaded to my flickr site. Online so far: 150 cemeteries and over 11,500 cemetery photos. I hope someone is able to find a twig or two of their family tree among them.

All cemeteries are circled on my map. Those in orange are done. 21 are waiting on me. I'll be there. Soon. I hope.


  1. I was just thinking a few days ago how I wish I had a map of all the cemeteries near me. Looks like I need to make my own! Great job.


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